About Us

We are a family church of around 140 people of all ages.  Currently we are in vacancy and praying for our next incumbent.  

Each Sunday we have an all age worship at 10.30am

Our pattern of worship

First Sunday of the month: Cafe Church - We share a small breakfast and coffee or tea together

Second Sunday: All-age communion

Third Sunday: All-age communion

Fourth Sunday: All-age communion.

Midweek we have a communion service at 10.00am each Wednesday.

As well as meeting on Sundays, many of our members meet during the week for fellowship and house groups. 

Our mission statement is simply 'to share the love of God with our neighbours, and our fourfold statement of identity is:
St Catherine's & St Paul's exists
- to worship God
- to lead people to Christ
- to build a loving Christian community
- to serve a world in need.
Through the many activities of the church, we hope that we are able to fulfil all these four aims.

Rev Rachel Pennant, Vicar