About Us
St Mary's Church has a glorious setting and a wonderful building, but the best thing we have to offer is the good news of Jesus.We're a church which takes the Bible seriously- believing it to be God's inspired and reliable Word- and so Bible teaching has a prime focus in all of our services. We are far from perfect, but with God's help, we do our best to live as disciples of Jesus.
Some of our regular congregation have been following Jesus for many years- others are still not sure what they believe. So wherever you are on your own journey of faith, we can assure you of a warm welcome, whether you come alone or with your family.
And in case you're interested... here's some info about the church building!
Situated in quiet countryside to the north of the village of Graveley, within a few minutes' drive of St Nicholas Church, St Mary's is a picturesque 12th century church built of local flint, with later additions. It features an unusual 13th century piscina, a 15th century bell tower housing six bells, angel roof, various carvings and attractive stained glass windows.
In 1998 the Parishes of St Nicholas and Graveley were brought together to form a united benefice, the Rector of St Mary's also being the Rector of St Nicholas Stevenage.