Zoom Worship on 4th Sunday at 10.00 am

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Corsenside St Cuthbert
, United Kingdom

For the Bellingham Deanery.
E-mail [email protected] for more information

Corsenside St Cuthbert

Worship only takes place in St Cuthbert's Corsenside in the summer, but the church is open for private prayer and meditation.  (When pandemic conditions allow, worship takes places at All Saints Corsenside.)  We especially welcome those who visit graves in this beautiful churchyard to spend some time in the church.   

Parts of the graveyard are deliberately kept as wildflower meadow, whilst the most visited areas are maintained by mowing.  

Get in touch

The Revd Dr Claire Maxim

The Rectory

NE48 2JS

Our website

What's on

Zoom Worship on 4th Sunday at 10.00 am

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Corsenside St Cuthbert
, United Kingdom

For the Bellingham Deanery.
E-mail [email protected] for more information

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