About Us

St George's is a friendly and welcoming Anglican, Christian community, based in the early 20th-century English church which sits near the Thermes and Casino. The congregation consists largely of British residents of Vernet and the neighbouring towns and villages, but we are augmented by visitors and holiday-makers of many nationalities throughout the year. There is a regular Sunday service of Holy Communion at 10am. In 2019, St George's became home to France's first set of English change-ringing bells (10 bells, 5-0-15 in C). A band of ringers, both French and British has begun to be trained. On the last Sunday of the month, we usually have a 'bring and share' lunch at the house of a member of the congregation. Please check the 'Services & Events' page for dates, and contact us for details if you'd like to come along. The church is also used for weddings, concerts and other services and functions. The village, once known as 'the Paradise of the Pyrenees', is associated with Rudyard Kipling, who spent time here a century ago. The Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2013. One of the attenders at worship in the early days was Princess Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria.