
Revd Patrick and the Churchwardens continue to monitor the situation with regard to Coronavirus and any risk it might pose to the congregation. We are in receipt of regularly updated guidance from the Church of England and we are acting on it. We will give updated advice on a regular basis

The current position (14 March 2020) is that

1. The common cup has been suspended and communion will be in one kind (bread) only

2. There is to be no physical contact during the sharing of the peace

3. There will be no passing of the plate/bag during the collection. Instead members of the congregation are asked to place their offering in a basket at the front during the offertory hymn.

4. The serving of refreshments after the service has been suspended.

5. All members of the congregation are asked to observe good hygiene. This includes regular washing of hands with soap and water.

6. Members of the congregation with coughs and colds or who are feeling unwell are asked not to attend services.