Gifted pastor and mission leader appointed as Assistant Chaplain

Annoucement_of_Appointment_of_Revd_Martin_Chirume_5-10-23_compressed.docx Download
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Revd Martin Chirume's passion for the Gospel and commitment to diversity will be invaluable in serving one of the most diverse communities in Norway. His background in primary education, including football training and music will be an asset in Stavanger as will his teaching experience at Bishop Gaul Seminary in Harare and his academic interests which include the Church’s role in conflict resolution and response to the environmental crisis. His ecumenical work within the Zimbabwe Council of Churches will also benefit the much-valued ecumenical partnerships enjoyed by the Anglican Congregation in Stavanger.

Responding to this announcement, Revd Martin said,

"I am pleased to join the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway in general and Stavanger in particular. I am married to Happiness and we have 2 adult children (a boy and a girl). I am very much interested in peace building, living the Gospel and a bit of farming. I am looking forward to seeing you and praying together soon."

Welcoming this appointment, the Senior Chaplain of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway, Revd Canon Joanna Udal, said,

“We are excited to welcome Revd Martin Chirume and his wife Happiness to Norway and to Stavanger. Our lively Stavanger congregation is full of expectation and hope for Revd Martin’s ministry amongst them and for new possibilities in their mission together. His rich experience will benefit our cooperation with local churches and our connections with the wider Anglican Communion. We also welcome the contribution to diversity which he brings to the ministry of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway.” 

Revd Martin Chirume will be moving to Norway together with his wife Happiness to take up his new appointment in Stavanger at the beginning of November. His licensing is planned for 5th November in Stavanger.