The Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter and St Sigfrid, Stockholm
Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 14 Stockholm, 11527, Sweden

We gather to celebrate our life in God and God's life in the world, made known to us in Jesus.

Our worship is liturgical, which means we use patterns of prayer to help us grow together into the mystery of God.

At different times of year the character of the service will change: great celebrations at Easter and Christmas, more reflective during Lent and Advent.

We have a lively Sunday school each week outside holiday time, and at the Family Eucharist - which happens once a month - the children play a full part in the worship and we draw on a wide range of music and prayers.

In church and online on Zoom.

St Peter and St Sigfrid, Stockholm

St Peter and St Sigfrid, Stockholm

Get in touch

Chaplain: The Reverend Nicholas Howe

Karlbergsvägen 83B


Our website

What's on

The Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter and St Sigfrid, Stockholm
Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 14 Stockholm, 11527, Sweden

We gather to celebrate our life in God and God's life in the world, made known to us in Jesus.

Our worship is liturgical, which means we use patterns of prayer to help us grow together into the mystery of God.

At different times of year the character of the service will change: great celebrations at Easter and Christmas, more reflective during Lent and Advent.

We have a lively Sunday school each week outside holiday time, and at the Family Eucharist - which happens once a month - the children play a full part in the worship and we draw on a wide range of music and prayers.

In church and online on Zoom.