Supporting us

Your support makes a real difference!

There are many ways you can support the life and work of the church, whether it's in prayer, or helping out practically on a regular or occasional basis.  We'd love to hear from you.  Please do speak to a member of clergy, or a member of the PCC, if you would like to get involved.

One very practical area of support that you may be able to offer is through your financial giving to the church.  It costs over £450 per week to keep this church and churchyard open, and contribute to the costs of our parish vicar.  We remain completely reliant on generous donors and fund-raisers to meet these costs -- we receive no money from the government, county or parish councils, or the central church.

Could you consider a regular donation?

It's incredibly helpful for our planning if members of the congregation and supporters choose to contribute to the work of the church on a regular, planned basis.  The best way you can do this is via our Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) account.  This allows you to make a regular donation (monthly, quarterly, or annually -- to suit your circumstances), with assurance of the Direct Debit guarantee. You can make changes quickly and easily if your circumstances change.   You can choose to increase your gift with inflation every year (most people do), and you have the option to give anonymously.  For a quick introduction to PGS, please watch the short video by clicking on the link above.

It's easy to set up and manage your gift online [click link].  However, you can also set up your gift by phone by calling 0333 002 1271 9am-5pm on weekdays.  When you call, a member of the central PGS team based in Gloucester will ask you to provide a Parish Code : please quote 180618246 for St Weonards.

If using the phone service, you will need to have to hand your personal bank account details, to state whether your donation will be eligible for Gift Aid, and whether you wish to increase the value of your gift in line with inflation each year (you can always amend this instruction later). The sign-up process by phone should take no more than 10-15 minutes.

If you'd prefer to complete a paper PGS Gift Form, please contact Stephen Herbert, our PCC Treasurer and Gift Aid Officer, or pick one up from the display stand in church.

Whichever way you choose to give, thank you for your generous support.

Just interested in making a one-off donation?

That's still really helpful.  Just click back to the home page and follow the links half-way down to make a one-off donation via our Give A Little account.  Alternatively, you can make a general donation via our Stewardship fundraising page run by the charity Stewardship.  You are also welcome to contact our PCC Treasurer to ask about other ways to make a donation, including leaving a gift in your will.  Confidentiality is assured.

THANK YOU -- your contribution, of whatever size, will make a real difference to our church and outreach.

Finally, if you'd like to learn more about St Weonards PCC's charitable aims, activities, achievements and finances, please take a look at the St Weonards Church website to access a copy of our last annual Report & Accounts.