Ash Wednesday services

for 1 hour
St John's, Waterloo
Waterloo Road London, SE1 8TY, United Kingdom

We have 3 services on Ash Wednesday this year. All will include ashing for all those who would like to.
*12 noon - 1pm : Climate Vigil*, to open the 10 day, 24 hour No Faith in Fossil Fuels: Lent Vigil for Climate Justice in Parliament Square. We invite you to join us in this time of prayer, worship, reflection and ashing.
Together we will lament the failure to address the climate and environmental crisis as well as stand in the hope of change as we approach the resurrection transformation of Easter. After the service you are invited to make your way to Westminster to join the blessing of the vigil site next to Carriage Gate. To reserve a place please book here via Eventbrite.
*1pm - 1.30pm*. Said Eucharist with Ashing
*6pm - 6.45pm* Sung Eucharist with Ashing. A traditional service of Holy Communion with Ash Wednesday liturgy, a short sermon, and ashing to mark the start of Lent.

St John's, Waterloo

St John’s, the church on the roundabout at Waterloo, is here for you.  

We were built in 1824 for Waterloo's working people. We were rebuilt as the church of the Festival of Britain in 1951: a beacon of hope and resilience. Today more than ever, we're responding to the needs of those around us, finding new ways of bringing hope and new ways to serve. In 2022 we carried out a major restoration project, and our beautiful building is now used for worship, events, community projects and the arts every day of the week. 

Here for worship

St John's broad-church approach to worship attracts a diverse congregation and we celebrate a growing reputation as one of the most inclusive churches in London. Everyone is welcome. Join us on Sundays or every day for Morning Prayer, in person or online.  Our biggest service is our 10.30 Sunday morning Eucharist. 

Here for wellbeing

We run a range of community projects through our charity, The Bridge At Waterloo, centred around our Room for You activities mostly on Tuesdays.  See our main website for more details. 

Here for creativity

St John's is a well-known music venue and runs the annual Waterloo Festival. Now we're building a year-round programme co-curated by artists and performers with our diverse local neighbourhood. We make creative communities as well as making art.

Here for the future

The recent major restoration of our church and crypt ensures that our historic building can be of full use to the community for the century ahead.

You would be welcome at any of our services. 

The parish of Waterloo: St John w St Andrew is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Southwark’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Get in touch

The Parish Office

St John's Church
Waterloo Road


Our website

What's on

Ash Wednesday services

for 1 hour
St John's, Waterloo
Waterloo Road London, SE1 8TY, United Kingdom

We have 3 services on Ash Wednesday this year. All will include ashing for all those who would like to.
*12 noon - 1pm : Climate Vigil*, to open the 10 day, 24 hour No Faith in Fossil Fuels: Lent Vigil for Climate Justice in Parliament Square. We invite you to join us in this time of prayer, worship, reflection and ashing.
Together we will lament the failure to address the climate and environmental crisis as well as stand in the hope of change as we approach the resurrection transformation of Easter. After the service you are invited to make your way to Westminster to join the blessing of the vigil site next to Carriage Gate. To reserve a place please book here via Eventbrite.
*1pm - 1.30pm*. Said Eucharist with Ashing
*6pm - 6.45pm* Sung Eucharist with Ashing. A traditional service of Holy Communion with Ash Wednesday liturgy, a short sermon, and ashing to mark the start of Lent.

St John's, Waterloo Charity No. 1132457