Lent at Sidmouth Parish Church

<div>During Lent we will be offering several ways to engage with the season. Those who receive this bulletin by hand will be receiving a special pack of Lent resources. For those who are able to access online services, please join us for any or all of the following. For more information, please contact Matt.</div><div>- Ash Wednesday Eucharist live-stream: 10am, 17th Feb (see link below)</div><div>- Lent Book Groups via Zoom (starting Mon 22nd Feb - see more detail below)</div><div>Mondays at 3pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 7.30pm</div><div>- Compline (sung) via Zoom: Thursdays at 8pm, starting Thurs 18th Feb</div>

During Lent we will be running 3 weekly online book groups across the Mission Community; to which everyone who is able to join is most welcome. An opportunity to get together with a coffee each week for about 45mins and to gently share any responses to the text. We will be looking at Rowan Williams' short book of reflections: Candles in the Dark: Faith, hope and love in a time of pandemic (SPCK, 2020). You may wish to purchase a copy of the book (widely available online). Alternatively, Matt would be happy to place an order on your behalf. Meeting days/times are shown above – if you can let Matt Selman (01395 515 076) or Laura Selman (01395 206 456) know which day you would like to join we would be grateful. Zoom meeting links will be circulated by email.

More more detail see our website at https://www.sidvalley.org.uk/sidmouthparishchurch.htm