About Us
St Michael's is set in the heart of the village of Spreyton and we would be pleased to welcome you to join us in worship or to look around our beautiful church (which dates back to at least 1451)...but this has been a sacred site for many centuries before that. You'll find a warm welcome here, as well as the increasingly famous Three Hares roof boss and the odd Archangel too.
We are a member of a family of churches called The North Dartmoor Parishes which stretches from Lustleigh to Chagford to Spreyton. It is an exciting time and we welcome people of all traditions - and none - to be part of what God is doing in this beautiful part of Devon. For Jesus there are no 'outsiders', the same is true for us.
We love to celebrate weddings at St Michael's; if you're interested in getting married here, contact Liz Watrous, our excellent Weddings Co-ordinator, on [email protected]
As well as being open every day of the year, weekly services and community events, weekly worship is available every Sunday online; just look for the Youtube channel Chagford Church Online for the North Dartmoor Parishes www.youtube.com
Revd Paul Seaton-Burn
Team Rector