Can you help record the historic interior of Kingswear church?

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The national Church Recording Society is seeking volunteers to join in a project to describe and record for posterity the details of the fixtures and fittings inside of Kingswear Parish Church. 

Supervised by the Society's Dartmouth coordinator Ken Scott, a group of volunteers will gather in church for a couple of hours every fortnight to write down the details of carvings, stonework, memorials, windows, etc which, when complete will be available to the public, sent to local libraries and the Victoria and Albert Museum, English Heritage etc. 

Other local churches including St Petrox and St Saviour's in Dartmouth have already taken part. 

For anyone who is interested in finding out more please contact Ken Scott on [email protected] or come along to church on Monday 13th November at 9am. There will be tea and coffee on the go! 

There is more info about the work of the Society on this link: Church Recording - Guided Tour - Church Recording Society