Church Stalwart Wins Kingswear Award

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Norman Critchley has received the Kingswear Award for more than four decades of devoted voluntary service to the village church that ranged from raising the roof to sanding the floor.

The silver plate is awarded annually by the Parish Council in recognition of the special contribution made to village life by an individual.

This year, the council chose to honour Norman. For 44 years he has helped many families to mark rites of passage such as baptisms, weddings and funerals, as well as assisting at Remembrance Services and other important community occasions.

He was presented with the award and a framed certificate at the end of the Morning Prayer service on Sunday 6th May 2018 by Chairman of the Parish Council, Jan Henshall.

Cllr Henshall said: “When Norman was nominated for this award, I thought ‘why haven’t we done this before?’. It is one of the few things that the Council has agreed on. It is a pleasure and a privilege to present this award to him.”

Former teacher Norman, who lives in Hillhead with his wife, Gwenyth, has been Church Warden four times, serving for a total of 25 years. It is a voluntary role which carries official duties on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and in church.

He also served as Treasurer for the PCCand for 20 years as a verger; an attendant in church services who assists the vicar and welcomes the congregation. For some years he also acted as an altar Server.

Local Team Rector, the Revd Ian Blyde, paid tribute to him saying: “Over the years, Norman has been a great strength to me and to the village. He has been a true stalwart and his dedication has helped the church to share joy and bring comfort to hundreds of people at key points in their lives, as well as reverence and respect at important times in village life.

“But Norman has been much more than that. He has also played a pivotal role in keeping Kingswear alive with the sound of music. Since the death of our organist, the late Jack Farmer, Norman has faithfully organised music for our Sunday services.”

Passion for music also saw Norman putting in several years of volunteering as part of the Roof Raisers team, which organised concerts for the village to raise money to re-roof the church. Norman is a Yorkshireman and delighted audiences by reciting Stanley Holloway monologues such as Albert and the Lion.

The roof work was successfully completed in 1990 but the concerts were so much fun that Norman and the team carried on staging them.

However, Norman has not confined his skills to music. He also took to the stage, playing the parts of the Robber Baron in one pantomime and the Emperor in Aladdin. The shows were put on by the Benefice, a grouping of Anglican churches in Kingswear, Brixham, Churston and Galmpton.

Revd Blyde also explained: “Norman also quite literally ‘took to his knees’ to serve his church to ensure this beautiful building is maintained as a place of worship and blessing for our community; he sanded the floor and helped re-position the pews when the Lady Chapel was renovated in memory of Hine-Haycock family members in 1994.

“Another of Norman’s volunteering efforts played a vital role in keeping the church magazine going. By organising the advertising for The Magazine he helped to bring in vital funds to pay for the paper, printing and replacement photocopier machines to ensure we are kept up to date with church events and news of friends in our neighbouring fellowships,” added Revd Blyde.

On receiving the award, Norman said: “I have always enjoyed doing what I have done here. Another name should be mentioned here, that of my wife, Gwenyth. There is always somebody behind me, reminding e, pushing me - it’s all been a great joy.”

Kingswear Church is open to visitors daily throughout the summer. Services take place at 10.30am every Sunday (except the fifth Sunday in a month). All are very welcome.