About Us
We are a medium sized modern Parish Church of about 45 adults and a few children, which seeks to be welcoming to both the fit and the frail. About two thirds of our adult membership attends the weekly main service on Sundays at 10am (either in person or via Facebook Livestream).
We have a large 'fringe' of families connected to our work with children and young people either directly or through uniformed groups. There are occasional 'Parade' services or worship at Harvest or Mothering Sunday when the attendance can be far greater. We have a strong presence in the local community school through an ecumenical "Open the Book" team.
We have a modern style Sunday service in varied formats using both recent worship songs and traditional hymns. We seek to be inclusive of all traditions, and include some members from denominations other than the Church of England. There is a more traditional format of worship on the first Wednesday of the month at 9.30am. We open the church for a Community Cafe on the first and third Thursday of every month at 2pm.
Details of our services and events can also be found on this site.
Our purpose as a church is "Together, changing lives for good!" expressed in four ways: As a church we are committed to:
1) continue our personal growth as Christians, especially through developing faith, worship, prayer and practical ministry;
2) effective action that seeks to meet spiritual and practical need, both locally and globally;
3) be welcoming to families and individuals, encouraging them in the Christian faith;
4) work for the good of our community with other churches, groups and organisations.
our hashtag on Twitter is #ChangingLivesForGood
Being built relatively recently, and internally refurbished in December 2012, our church building is comfortable, warm and well equipped. The Christian Union of nearby Petroc (formerly North Devon College) meets in the church on Wednesday lunchtimes, and "Open Doors" a twice-monthly social gathering (first and third Thursdays 2-4pm), as well as occasional concerts, meetings, and workshops on personal and church spiritual growth. There is an on-site car park, with nearby free on street parking available at weekends & late evenings. We have large print materials and a full hearing loop available, but our toilet in church does not have wheelchair access. Join our Facebook Group (see our social media link) to join in our live-streaming on Sundays.)
The Church was one of the first in the world to register an Alpha Course, which we continue to offer occasionally, often with a few other local churches. We also offer The Marriage Course occasionally, which encourages deeper relationships between married couples.
Although a settled and happy church family, and even though we don’t have a vicar at present (we are in vacancy), we are genuinely welcoming to newcomers. Our teaching is both Biblically based, progressive and creative and we encourage real spiritual encounter and individual personal growth in faith and discipleship. We have a strong desire to help people engage with God as and when they are ready to do so, to grow in relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.