A weekly Lent Group is going to be held starting on THURSDAY 13th MARCH at 2.30pm. Please contact Rev Miles or Sam if you are interested in taking part and for more information. Rev'd Miles, 07919 663 680 or miles.welborn@outlook.comSam White, Administrator, lynvalleymissionoffice@gmail.comOr you can use the Get In Touch button
Thank you to all who had offered to support the Christmas Fair last weekend, either by providing items, manning stalls, being able to visit or sending thoughts for a successful fair. After much consideration, the decision has been made NOT to try and arrange a fair this side of Christmas.<br>We are planning for events to take place in 2025, so please keep an eye out for updates and all help and support will be gratefully appreciated.<br>In the meantime, thanks for your continued support of the Lyn Valley Mission Community and hopefully see you at the Exmoor Carolers on Wednesday.