About Us

The Church, built in 1838, stands about ¼ mile from the village, adjacent to the Manor. Designed by R D Gould of Barnstaple it is regarded as a fine example of this architect’s work and a good example of a typical Victorian Church.
Viewed from the outside it is a tall rectangular stone building with a small Sanctuary at the East end and a vestry on the north side. It is built of stone with a pitched slate roof.

Inside it has a centre aisle and plain, stained pine pews. Seven large lancet windows with lancet triplets at the East and West ends give a very light Church. The pale plaster walls and white ceiling provide a very spacious and pleasing effect, which is enhanced by this lightness. A plain, open white and gold screen separates the nave and chancel. There is a two manual pipe organ in the chancel, above which is a large wall hanging of modern design.

Services are based on Common Worship using permitted variations within this and with Lay participation. 

Find out more about us, and our Mission Community, at https://missioncommunity.weebly.com/