About Us

St John’s Enmore Green is a small church with a strong sense of community where you can be sure of a friendly welcome.

We try to create an open, warm and caring atmosphere where all can feel comfortable, accepted and valued and where we can each develop our faith at our own pace. Being small, we know one another and care for one another at those times when support is needed.

Our monthly service pattern is: 1st Sunday - Parish Communion; 2nd Sunday - Morning Prayer; 3rd Sunday Morning Worship; 4th Sunday - Morning Prayer

All services begin at 11.15am

St. John's Singers join us for Christmas and Easter Services

We have level access, a small kitchen and toilet suitable for the disabled and our pews have been replaced with chairs. These improvements have enabled creative use of the church both for worship and a variety of social and other events, from café style jazz, meals, talks and concerts, to a major drama production done to a professional standard.

We are active in our community with regular coffee mornings and other events that provide opportunities for fun and fellowship. A quarterly newsletter and Christmas cards are delivered to each home. Individual members are involved in local groups and charities.

We have a small church hall which is available for hire.

We take an active part in Churches Together In Shaftesbury and in the life of our Team, giving support to various initiatives around the Team and hosting the Team House group.  We occasionally host a Team Service.

Balancing our finances is a challenge, met so far by the hard work and commitment of our members and the Friends of St John’s, who have given valuable financial support over the years towards maintenance and re-ordering which we would otherwise not have managed. 

Our Electoral Roll is 21, average weekly attendance is 15

We are a small, friendly church community, caring for one another, welcoming newcomers and striving to make God’s love known to those around us in the wider community which we serve.