
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

St Gabriel's is a small but friendly church. It is part of the Hamworthy Parish and is supported by the team of clergy and lay ministers that serve the rest of the parish.

Rev. Pam Goddard is the Associate Minister in the Parish with special responsibility for Turlin Moor where St. Gabriel's is situated.

The parish is broadly in the Evangelical Tradition, with individual church members from a range of backgrounds.

Services start at 10.30am on Sundays.

They are fairly informal. Most are based on the Service of the Word, with some following Morning Prayer and some allowing for wider experiment. There is usually a Communion Service on the third and fifth Sundays of the month but, like everything else, this varies. Updates are posted on the church doors and in the "Bridge" magazine.

The PCC are the trustees of a pre school and a Money Advice Project that runs from the same building.

There is a friendship group that meets at 2pm on a Monday. Again it is worth checking as it takes breaks to allow for holidays.

Keysworth Road, Turlin Moor
Southampton or Salisbury
BH16 5BH

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