Baptisms, Weddings (and banns) and Funerals

If you have any questions regarding our 'occasional offices' as baptisms, weddings and funerals are called, please do get in touch. We are here for you at these deeply significant moments in your life and we will support you in any way we can regardless of who you are or what you believe. 

Baptisms - can happen at any age. Please just  ask.

Weddings - If you would like to have a conversation about getting married at either St Alban or St Edmund, or about renewing your wedding vows, or about receiving prayers of thanksgiving and blessing if you are part of a same sex couple, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch anytime or ring, email or text the vicar, Mandy Young. We'd be happy to help.  You do not have to be baptised to marry in church or a church-goer. You will need to show a connection to the church but that can be achieved through many ways. Just ask!

Funerals - again, any person in the parish can have a funeral for a loved conducted by a minister. The funeral can be in church or at a crematorium and we will work with you to make it the kind of service that honours your loved one. Please feel free to contact us directly or via your funeral director.