About Us

St Mary the Virgin Swanley serves the town of Swanley, building up the Kingdom of God through Word, Sacrament and service.  It is firmly anchored in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the Church of England and is a Forward in Faith parish, under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough.


On Sundays, our Parish Mass is sung at 10am, and we have Benediction at 5pm.

There are no services on Monday. 

Mass times during the week are:

Tuesday 7.30pm,

Wednesday 11.30am,

Thursday 10am,

Friday 11am,

Saturday 10am.

Sometimes these service times have to change, please consult the noticeboard by the main doors for any changes this week.


Arrangements for banns of marriage, baptisms and weddings are all dealt with after the Sunday 10am Mass.


Those seeking marriage should make enquiries at an early stage: we marry those who live in the parish, are on the church's electoral roll or have a long-standing link with the Church.  Where either or both parties have been married before, we offer a service of prayer after a civil wedding and full details can be obtained from the vicar.


Baptisms are usually at 12 noon on Sunday, though they can be incorporated into the sung Mass, if that is appropriate.  Preparation is a key part of the parish's approach to this important Sacrament.


Our links with the town's observances - for instance at Christmas or on Remembrance Sunday - are a vital part of our commitment to our town and people.  We greatly value these opportunities to share together in prayer and worship.