Sunday Services

Church_news Notices

St Augustine, Gillingham plans for Stage 4.

First of all we want to remind everybody that this is not the end, that Covid is still very much an issue and cases are rising nationally and whilst the changes made by our Government may bring freedom to some, to others this actually decreases their freedom as anxiety levels rise, as do real risks to those who are clinically vulnerable.

Therefore, above all else we ask that people are loving and kind to all, respecting each other’s needs and maintaining social distance and other suitable measures when asked to do so.

What can you expect returning to Church .

• Booking is no longer required and seating is no longer 2 meters apart for individual groups.

However, rows have been spaced more widely apart to maintain a social distance between rows and if you would rather not have someone sit next to you, we have provided some cards that you can put on the seats either side of you to indicate this.

• You will still be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival.

• Track and Trace is not mandatory but encouraged and so please do check in either with the app or sign in sheets if you are able and willing.

• Masks are not mandatory, but many will feel safer still wearing one. Therefore, we do request that you continue to wear a mask when moving around the building and coming up for communion.

• Singing will resume for those who wish to do so. Those wishing not to sing could choose to sit towards the back to avoid aerosol spread with those singing being encouraged to sit towards the front. You might also choose to sing with your mask on.

• The Priest will continue to wear a mask as appropriate during the communion service and to distribute communion.

• The priest will continue to intinct wafers to administer communion.

• Please be respectful of others when sharing the peace – many will not want to hug, chat or stand close, please only share physically with those who want to.

• We will continue to leave the offering plate at the front of the church for tithes and gifts and these will be offered to God at the end of the service.

• The one-way system for entry and exit and communion will remain in place.

• We will continue to serve refreshments after the service in the Aspire room at tables.

• Touch surfaces will continue to be sanitised at the end of the service and items will be left of 36 hours if appropriate before reuse.