Christmas 2024

for 31 days, 22 hours
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Christmas Fair, Saturday 23rd November, 1:30-3:30pm, A great opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts from local crafters plus all the usual stalls and treat yourself to homemade cake and great coffee.

Christmas Tree Festival Friday 6th 3pm - 7pm / Saturday 7th December 10:30am-5pm Cafe Open.

Christingle Service, Sunday 8th December 10am.

9 lessons and Carols, Saturday 21st December 6.30pm A traditional service of readings and popular Carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine or coffee.

Crib Service Tuesday 24th December 4:30pm, Join us for a children's nativity service and experience the wonder of Jesus’ birth on the eve of our celebrations.

Christmas Communion Tuesday 24th December 11.30pm

Family Christmas Day Service, Wednesday 25th December 10am, A short communion service to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Midweek Communion

Every Thursday at for 40 mins
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Join us in Church at 9.30am on a Thursday for this quiet, said communion service

Thrive Thursday

Every Thursday at for 5 hours, 30 mins
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

A community day to enrich the local community. We run an affordable cafe, offer free internet access, Free Exercise Classes, Walking Club, Craft Club, Art Class, Singing Club, Gardening Club and Carpet Bowls

Sunday Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

A Communion service for the Parish

Community Meal FREE

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Shaw Memorial Hall
Shaw Memorial Hall, Shaw Memorial Hall Rock Avenue Gillingham Kent, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Free Community Meal
Mondays 12noon-1:15pm
Shaw Memorial Hall, Rock Avenue, Gillingham, ME7 5PW
All Are Welcome
In partnership with St Augustine's Church, Medway Street Angels and Royal Mail Medway Sorting Centre

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Start the day with Morning Prayer - a simple said service

Place of Welcome Baby and Toddler Group

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

An inclusive Baby and Toddler Group Free of charge for children under the age of 5 and their Care givers

Term time only

Place of Welcome

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Come and join us on Wednesday between anytime between 9am and 11am - enjoy a chat, take part in craft, or just sit quietly.
We look forward to seeing you, we meet in the church building.
We are pleased to be welcome Medway Adult Ed who will be leading a craft activityeach week, and we are always pleased to see lots of other local support groups who pop in to see us and offer support: Medway Asthma Self Help, The Paramount Foundation. The last Wednesday of the month sees our Book Club meeting too.
Why not pop in one week?

Prayer meeting

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Join us on Wednesday at 6pm for an hour of prayer - personal, local, national,

Messy Church - Family Celebration (2nd Tuesday and 4th Sunday of each month.)

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Tuesday and Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Augustine's
Rock Avenue Gillingham Rochester, ME7 5PW, United Kingdom

Messy Church, Crafts, singing, story telling, fun and food. Second Tuesday of the Month and 4th Sunday of the month