Christ Church seeks to be an Inclusive Church & offer a faith-full welcome to all

Being an Inclusive Church means that we believe that

no one is excluded from God’s love because of their class, sexuality, race, disability, gender, age, etc.,

and that we as a church should reflect that all-encompassing love of God in how we welcome and serve each other. 

We try not to say SHHHH to young or old as they respond in our worship.

We try to support the elderly, disabled, those living with dementia and their carers.

We are keen to welcome those with disability in every way we can. We have sympathetic and safe access, a hearing loop, a disabled friendly WC and large print service sheets. 

We visit the housebound and take home communion to those who ask for it.

Our pastoral Assistants lead on some of these initiatives.  Often the families need sympathetic understanding and support. 

Please feel free to talk to  us in confidence.