A message from the Team Rector

Dear Friends

It’s been a long wait! I am looking forward to arriving and getting to know the communities and individuals that make up the new Kent Downs and Malling Team. I know how hard you have all worked during the vacancy and that waiting for the new Rector has impacted you all differently. I am very grateful for the way in which creative mission and ministry has carried on when resources have been stretched, and I know that there are good times ahead for the Team.

The season of Easter offers lots of resources for preparing spiritually for this next chapter of our life together as churches. The disciples go through a whole range of emotions in the course of the various resurrection appearances, including scepticism and doubt as well as joy and excitement. Despite their differences they stick together through the roller-coaster ride of encounters with the risen Christ and then they wait faithfully and expectantly for whatever is going to happen next. There are no guarantees of anything except that Jesus will be with them, and that he will send the Spirit to guide and empower them for what lies ahead. That remains the case for us too.

I invite you to join me in praying this prayer over the next month:

Risen Christ, you know each church and community,
each hope and fear, as we come together as a Team;
meet us as you met your disciples
on the road, in the locked room, by the empty tomb,
that filled with the Spirit of hope and expectation,
we may be empowered to share your healing love with all those we meet,
to the praise of God the Father.