Facilities and features


Disabled Access Toilets available

Baby Changing Facilities available

Bike Rack adjacent to carpark

Church Carpark with level access to church building

Disabled access toilet available

Level access carpark

Ramped entrance

Whole of church covered by loop

Assistance dogs are welcome

Dementia Aware / Accessible
Gluten-free refreshments

Our Building

Bronze award achieved and working towards silver.

Music and Worship


Choir practice for children (Young Notes) 5.45 every Wednesday
Adult Choir practice every Wednesday

Groups, Courses and Activities

Every Sunday Evening 6.30 to 8.00 for years 7 to 11.

Alpha course

Every Thursday evening

Every Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00

Mothers Union

OWLs group run by our Ana Chaplain

Every Monday: 2 sessions 9.30 to 11.00 and 1.30 to 3.00. Registration essential as we have a waiting list.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

Every weekday morning 10-12

Dog friendly

Other Features

We collect for The Bay Foodbank and Walking With

Audio-Visual Facilities

Contact us to find out about booking our hall or the current groups available including Weight Watchers, Bump2Buggy Fitness, Tai Chi, Badminton, as well as Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Prayers of Love and Faith