About Us

Every village is unique and different, each in its own valley separated from the others by high hills with one shared characteristic, as they are each strong and active communities, where people know and care for each other. There is always a lot going on and many traditions are honoured by their communities each year. Set in beautiful countryside, farming and the holiday industry are mainstays of the economy, and the folk are proud moorlands folk, still comprising mainly families living close to each other, who have lived in the village for generations. Church and community life are interwoven, with the churches taking a central role in the annual round of events, as well as a place to mark the family rites of passage, with baptisms, weddings and funerals all well attended. All 4 churches are well cared for and loved buildings, that are identified with village life. Traditional and more relaxed services both take place in every church over the month, and children and families are actively involved at Ipstones, where there is a good Church of England First School.