New Year's Eve in Middle ESK Moor

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Dear friends,

I do hope and pray that this message finds you well, and that you are having a good Christmas? I got quite involved in the events following the tragic accident in the River Esk near Glaisdale, and my prayers remain with the families of the three people that were killed. With grateful thanks to Alan Palmer for his concern and care yesterday, and the support we received from Bishop Paul and the diocese’s communications team.

Tomorrow, New Year’s Eve, brings two events, both in St Hilda’s, Egton. You’re warmly invited to join me at either or both of those:

10:30 - Holy Communion for New Year's Eve at St Hilda

We’ll be thinking a little more about Mary and what it means to “ponder in our hearts” as the New Year approaches. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served afterwards.

6:00 - Breathing Space for New Year's Eve at St Hilda

We’ll be spending 45 minutes, mostly in silence, praying through a special ‘Annual Examen’ based on the teachings of St Ignatius. The process will help us to look back over the last year and ahead towards 2024. If you would like to explore this form of Christian contemplative prayer, please do come along. The church will be warm and we’ll be sitting on comfier chairs instead of the wooden pews!

And here’s a reminder of what’s coming up as 2024 gets underway:

Wednesday 3rd January

9:00 - New Weekly Holy Communion Service in Goathland at The Bield

Thursday 4th January

10:30 - 3:00 Community Space: Vi's Community Cafe in Grosmont at St Matthew's

1:30 - Play Space in Grosmont at St Matthew's Grosmont

Saturday 6th January

6:00 - A Special Epiphany Event - Follow the Star into 2024! at St Matthew's Grosmont

Sunday 7th January (please note - two morning services, 9:00 and 10:45)

9:00 - New Weekly Holy Communion Service in Lealholm at St James'

10:45 - Holy Communion in Goathland with the Plough Stots for Plough Sunday at St Mary's

3:30 - Fellowship Space at The Hollin's Institute in Grosmont

6:00 - Breathing Space at St Hilda in Egton

Tuesday 9th January

6:00 - Sharing Space at Green Farm in Egton

Saturday 13th January

1:00 - 4:00 Community Forum: Middle ESK Moor into 2024 at St Matthew's Grosmont

Please do support the new weekly Holy Communion services if you can. Part of the idea is to provide more regular fixed points of contact for us each week. These are experiments during January and February to gauge interest (9.00 on Wednesday in Goathland and 9.00 on Sunday in Lealholm). For any further information required please email me - [email protected].

Wishing you a wonderful New Year full of love, peace, joy and hope.

With blessings and all good wishes,



The Reverend Anthony Bennett

Interim Minister – the Benefice of Middle ESK Moor