Catcott Coffee Morning

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's, Catcott
, Polden Rise, Steel Lane, Catcott

Coffee mornings in Catcott are a lovely way to meet new people, or catch up with old friends. They are usually held once a month and are very generously held in homes of villagers. All the money raised goes towards keeping St Peter's Church open. Everyone is very welcome.

St Peter's, Catcott

St Peter's, Catcott is part of the Polden Wheel Benefice.

Here you will find details of services and events held at St Peter's (a monthly Communion service, and Service of Quiet), and other events the Church is involved with.

We aim to open the Church 7 days a week.

To find services held at other Churches in the Benefice, please look at the website: and the Facebook page.

For a short history of the Church, please look at the 'About Us' page.

Get in touch

What's on

Catcott Coffee Morning

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's, Catcott
, Polden Rise, Steel Lane, Catcott

Coffee mornings in Catcott are a lovely way to meet new people, or catch up with old friends. They are usually held once a month and are very generously held in homes of villagers. All the money raised goes towards keeping St Peter's Church open. Everyone is very welcome.