About Us

We're a relaxed, friendly church for all ages in the North West of Yeovil. We believe in helping people to encounter God, to live out their Christian faith in daily life, and to serve and bless our community.

Regular Sunday worship is at 10.30 am, with services live streamed our YouTube Channel and children's groups.* The building is open 10am-4pm Monday-Saturday for prayer and reflection, with a a collection point for the Lords Larder foodbank. A simple communion service for 30m is held on Wednesdays at 12 pm on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays.

*with the exception of our All-Age Service on the third Sunday of the month

The Parish Office (located at St James' Church) is open 8.30-4.30 Tuesdays & Thursdays in termtime. Office hours in school holidays may vary - see latest notice sheet.

Most of the core church membership are members of Cell groups, and we have strong links to the local church school. Outreach includes Alpha, and Christmas services at the local garden centre. We work with other local churches to provide a family mentoring project and to explore church planting in new housing areas.

We run regular baptism preparation evenings and an annual Marriage Preparation course for couples being married at St James'. We support each of our Mission Partners for four years - the charities currently supported are Open Doors, Prison Fellowship and Compassion . We also support the Lord's Larder foodbank with a collection point in the foyer and have a collection for the Children's Society at our annual Christingle service.

The parish also has a Children and Families Worker Laura Broome who runs our children's work at our Sunday services and runs toddler groups and Messy Church for the parish and a Youth Worker Ruth Glendinning who runs several youth groups here and at St Peter's Community Centre, Christian Union lunchtime clubs in our local secondary schools and is active in the community.