Christ Church

Welcome to Christ Church.

 This Sunday, the ninth Sunday after Trinity, we celebrate Christ's presence with a reflective service in the Iona Tradition.

Foillowing the service, we will enjoy light refreshments in the church room as we catch up on the week's news, and make plans for the future.

For those unable to attend  this service, Astrid has prepared a sermon which becomes live on Sunday Morning, so please click on the link below. A copy of her sermon can be downloaded from our news section.

Our readings are

Ephesians Chapter 3 verses 14-21  The love of Christ

John Chapter 6 verses 1-21  More than 5,000 fed and Jesus walks on the water

„God of our hopes and dreams, we are empty, and long to be filled;
we are hungry, and long to be fed; we are lost, and long to be found.
Gather us into your love, and pick up the pieces of our lives,
just as Jesus gathered up the fragments of the five loaves and two fish
that remained after feeding the five thousand.
Call us anew to eat our fill and to find our true nourishment in Jesus,
the bread of heaven.


Get in touch

David Yates, churchwarden

23, Brookside,
Bristol BS20 0JX
North Somerset

What's on

Morning Praise

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Christ Church
Church Place Pill Bristol, BS20 0AE, United Kingdom

A lay led service in the Iona Tradition, with prayers, readings and hymns, held in the Church Room during colder months. The service is followed by refreshments so we have the opportunity to share news.


Jesus feeds the 5,000 and walks on the water