A prayer from Rev Dr Leslie Griffiths

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Rev Dr Leslie Griffiths; Lord Griffiths of Burry Port
A prayer written for Premier Radio.

In the darkest and most worrying moments of life, people of all ages and every culture have raised their prayers to almighty God. We do so now. This prayer is framed by words written 3,000 years ago, words from Psalm 88.

Lord, our God, by day we call for help,

By night we cry aloud in your presence.

Let our prayers come before you.

Hear our loud entreaty:

For we have had our fill of woes,

Which have brought us to the brink of despair.

For those who are suffering from this dreadful disease, all who have lost loved ones, all those whose loss or suffering have been turned into the statistics we see on our daily news bulletins;

For everyone living in fear, shut into their homes, somehow surviving on the streets; for those afraid their jobs or their livelihoods may be at stake, for those whose fear is turning to panic;

For policy-makers, front-line workers, health workers and care providers, and all those working so hard to develop a vaccine;

For the over 70s, those with underlying health risks, for pregnant women; for good neighbours and loving friends, for those closest to us in this time of need;

Will your wonders be known in the region of darkness?

Your victories in the land of oblivion?

Dear Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.