Sunday 21/06/20


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2nd Sunday after Trinity

Matthew 10:24-39 [Romans 6:1b-11]

There’s a new word that’s found its way into our vocabulary: ‘lockdown hair’; with or without a hyphen. More than 3 months since my last haircut, the meaning of the word doesn’t escape me: it’s ‘grown’ onto me, quite literally! So, when I read in Matthew 10 that ‘even the hairs of your head are all counted’, I am thinking that’s a bit more of a challenge now. But reassuring at the same time. For I don’t have to do the counting myself… It’s a bit like that with our faith: we often think that it depends on us, when in actual fact we are called to be channels of God’s work of peace, not the directors of it. In other words: we don’t call the shots, God does!

And that opens up a whole new perspective. Read in that way, the message of today’s reading is not restricting but liberating. ‘Have no fear,’ says Jesus, ‘are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.’

Now, the reason for not being afraid, here, may not be spotted immediately. The passage from verses 24 to 28, about a disciple not being above the teacher, and everything being uncovered in time etcetera, refers to what is going to follow in due course: when Jesus has finished his work, the disciples will see that he is the true Messiah, and they will be seen as loyal and faithful followers of him. Their patience, their steadfastness, their perseverance, will shine like light in the darkness. Their determination to follow the Lord of life wherever he leads will be seen and vindicated. In other words: the truth will out! Therefore, do not fear.

Yes, there is somebody out there, Jesus indicates, who would rather that his followers would remain in the darkness, and stumble and fall. Someone who tries his utmost to destroy their souls. We should be aware of that, and make sure that we keep to the right path and not be lured away from Christ. But we have such a loving and caring Father God, who is interested in every part of our lives, that we do not need to fear, but need rest only in him. He takes care even of the hairs on our heads, even during lockdown!

Now I know that some people will say that the little things are too trivial. That we need pray for big things, because they are more important. It’s true that big things like a pandemic and racism and injustice and poverty are important and we need to bring them before God. But let’s not forget that he is our Father, who has brought forth good things, nurtured them, saved them, delights in them. I have prayed for little things, small and trivial on the larger scale, like a parking space on a busy street, good weather for an outdoor event, something lost to be found – and had those prayers answered! If God takes note of a sparrow and every hair on our heads, then, surely, he also delights in looking after us in the bigger picture. Nothing is too great for him, and nothing is too small for him to notice and care about it.

There are other references to the greatness of God in the little things, like Matthew 6:25-34, and the story of Samson is another one. A lot of hair there! You and I may face troubles and temptations, dangers and dark moments in our lives, but we are worth more than a great many sparrows, so let us not forget that the one we follow and serve is greater and stronger than the strongest opponent we will ever meet.

So, next time you look in the mirror and contemplate your ‘lockdown hair’, don’t split any, and above all think about the love God has for you and rejoice! Amen.