Weekly Parishes Update 15th January 2023

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear all

In today's Gospel from John we are at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry and the first spoken words that John includes in his account. And they are a question to two of John the Baptist's disciples. "What are you looking for?". To which they respond with "Teacher, where are you staying?". Jesus' reply is simply, "Come and See".

It is a simple exchange, but one that lies at the very heart of what this short season of Epiphany is all about, and in turn, what living our faith is all about.

It is more than words. Jesus could have replied with a description, or just a place name. But instead he invited them in. "Come and see!"

We are those disciples today. We are the ones looking. But we are also the ones being looked at. As Christians we represent Christ on earth and so we, and no-one else, are the ones that people seeking Jesus will look to.

For ourselves, what are you looking for?

And to those around us - how can we boldly and confidently respond "Come and See!". In other words - what are we inviting to?


10am - Holy Communion; St John's Tatworth. Rev'd Michelle and children's activities being run by Rev'd Philip

10:30am - Joint URC service in Winsham at the URC Church.

12pm - Baptism service at St John's, Tatworth. Rev'd Philip

6:30pm - Service of Light, St Mary's Thorncombe. Prayers and meditation to prepare for the new week.

Readings for Sunday:

Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 49:1-7 NRSVA - The Servant’s Mission - Listen to me, - Bible Gateway

1 Corinthians 1:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 NRSVA - Salutation - Paul, called to be an - Bible Gateway

John 1:29-42; John 1:29-42 NRSVA - The Lamb of God - The next day he saw - Bible Gateway


Holy Communion (Said) Wednesday 18th January at 9:30am in St Mary's Thorncombe. The monthly coffee morning in church follows the service - ALL WELCOME


Please hold in your prayers all you know who are struggling in any way, in body, mind or spirit. We are asked to pray by name for:

Dave Boyland; Terri Boyland; Sheila Clement; Wendy Cotton; Hannah Knott; Jan Knott; Mary Marsh; Tony Taylor; Margaret Bandy; Dorothy White, Tony Meech, Di Nicholls, Hester Down, Stella Hutchison; Oskar Lee; Margaret Shields; Andrew de Pury.

We remember all those whom we love but see no longer, especially at this time Jim Tucker, Margaret Bowditch (funeral at Taunton Crematorium 18th January at 10am), Amy Barr (funeral in St John's 17th January at 12:30pm), Nick Frankau, and Vernon Martin. We hold all those who are bereaved in our prayers.

We pray in thanks for those preparing for Baptism. In particular Olivia-Rose and Darcey who are being baptised in the Benefice this month.

Collect for Epiphany 2

Almighty God,
in Christ you make all things new:
transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace,
and in the renewal of our lives
make known your heavenly glory;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.


Blessings all


The Reverend Philip Butcher

Rector - Two Shires Benefice (Tatworth, Thorncombe, Winsham, Chaffcombe & Cricket Malherbie)

The Vicarage

3 Home Farm



TA20 2SH

01460 221286

PASTORAL EMAILS - please to: [email protected]

HOME PRAYER & WORSHIP: https://twoshires.wordpress.com

Rest Days - Mondays (Tuesdays where following a bank holiday)

For non-urgent enquiries please allow up to a week for responses.

Mornings are best times for phone contact!