About Us

The Parish Church of All Saints in Bank Square has a tower from the 13th century, which was extensively restored between 1853 and 1855 when the rest of church was rebuilt by Edward Ashworth. It has been designated as Grade II Listed Building.

It has been remodelled to make the church more accessible for community use.  An additional area for staged performances has been added  together with a disabled access pathway and vehicular access when required.

Our Mission is to be at the Heart of the Community of Dulverton.  As well as regular services, we host a number of events throughout the year.  

Service times are:

8.00 am BCP Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sundays)

9.30 am Parish Eucharist, 1st and 4th Sunday

09.30 Family Service, 2nd Sunday

09.30 Matins, 3rd Sunday

6.00 pm Evening Service, (2nd and 3rd Sundays) Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer

The Revd Dowell Conning MTh     01398 322867

The Revd Louise Southgate           01398 341553

Church Wardens:         

Mrs Jenny Barker                                    01398 322965 

Mr Edward Thomson                             01398 323623

More information can be gained from the Benefice website at https://www.dulvertonbenefice.org.uk/