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Getting here

Welcome to The Lighthouse Church We are a child-friendly church where children and young people are welcome and an integral part of our family.

Lighthouse Family Service (Sunday 11am) is a lively and informal worship service incorporating sung worship, prayer, scripture readings and bible teaching in family-friendly, relevant ways. Children go to their own teaching groups during the sermon.
Little Stars: pre-school / Lighthouse Kids @11: primary age / Fusion: 11+

Traditional Anglican service of Holy Communion (Sunday 9:15am), like all our services this features excellent in-depth Bible teaching designed to encourage, challenge and build people up in the Christian faith. Everyone is welcome; young or old or just young in heart. If you prefer a more traditional, Anglican approach then this is for you. The service is followed by refreshments and a time to relax. Please note that, although all our Services are aimed at being family friendly and inclusive of children and families, there is no separate provision for children and young people during this service.

Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving fun; is found across the world and has values that are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Come and join us for food, fun and all age activities on the fourth Saturday of every other month.

Lighthouse Kids (primary age children) normally runs as part of our Sunday morning family service at 11am.

Our services are informal and relaxed. We no longer sit in pews but together with our families and friends around cafe style tables so that everyone can feel at home.

What else is on? 

There's something going on at the Lighthouse Church most days of the week; activites for

Children are a valued and important part of our church family. Children are always welcome and we seek to teach them and lead them into their own experience of God and relationship with Him. We aim to provide relevant teaching and fun activities for each age range. Come and join us!

Cafe serving the local community

The Lighthouse Café is open twice a week in the church, right next door to the Doctor’s surgery in Canterbury Road.

Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm is particularly Toddler friendly; as it also features a short service in three parts incorporating creative prayer, songs, games, Bible stories and fun activities particularly designed for children..

Thursday 11:00am – 2:00pm welcomes the older generation and offers soup and a roll from noon. This café follows on from our 10:00am Communion service.


Events for women and for men, Thursday communion services - there's plenty to get involved in, and we'd love to meet you.

You can find many of our past and present services online via our YouTube channel.

*St. Luke’s Church Hawkinge is a registered ‘Fresh Expression’ Anglican church called “The Lighthouse”, but is usually referred to as The Lighthouse Church (although some people also refer to us as “St. Luke’s Lighthouse Church”, or “The Lighthouse Church at St. Luke’s”).

The church office is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm - we'd love to hear from you. 

Canterbury Road
CT18 7BP

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