Daresbury Church News 30th May 2021 - Trinity Sunday

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I hope you’ve all had a good week and are keeping well.

Perhaps the most important event of the last 7 days, has been the announcement of the new Suffragan, or Assistant, Bishops for our Diocese. Put simply, the Diocese in divided in two, (called Archdeaconries), basically west and east of the M6 and reflects the old (pre1974) county of Cheshire. It stretches as far west as New Brighton and as far east as Wildboarclough on the edge of the Peak District; to the north it goes from Tintwistle and south as far as Audlem.

Looking after the eastern part will be Sam Corley, and the west, which includes us, will be Julie Conalty. You can find more information about them on the Diocesan website https://www.chester.anglican.org/ and follow all the links. Please hold them and their families in your prayers, especially over the next few months. My understanding is that they will be consecrated in York Minster sometime in July and will start work in September.

Please also hold Bishop Mark in your prayers as he begins to build his new team of senior colleagues as they plan a strategy for the future of Diocese.

With the coming week being half-term, I have decided that it would be better to cancel the Bible Study on Wednesday night, and the Coffee morning on Thursday.

The Bible Study will restart on Wednesday 9<sup>th</sup> at 7.30pm (Zoom login https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87309885456?pwd=UFJwVkhSc0NkR0lYSFY0b3NaMHplQT09 Meeting ID: 873 0988 5456 Passcode: 011017). At present we are looking at the life of the early Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostle and asking ourselves what it teaches us about our church life today.

The Coffee Morning with restart the next day on 10<sup>th</sup> June at 11.00am ( Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83059266740?pwd=ajZRRVFFSXRpMjJhTEU5bHp5NzhGZz09 Meeting ID: 830 5926 67 Passcode: 791441). You are welcome to come along to either or both at any time.

Tomorrow is Trinity Sunday, when we shall be thinking about the three characteristics of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The service sheet is attached.

With God’s blessing,
