About Us

St Thomas’ Community is a fresh expression of church that is based in the new monastic tradition with a rhythm of life based around prayer, mission and hospitality.

We are part of the Walbrook Epiphany team ministry that ministers to the Normanton, Pear Tree and Rose Hill area. It is a typical inner city area of around 25,000 people or many different ethnicities and traditions.  

We are also part of the Society of the Holy Trinity. This is an Anglican order and movement of New Monastic communities focused on: Working in urban areas; Intensifying people’s discipleship; Serving the mission of the local church; and Growing the Kingdom of God. 

A collection of grants have been received and a significant repair and redevelopment programme is currently underway to re-use the church for worship and as a centre for social engagement projects as part of our parish vision based on Psalm 68 to be: A loving community, following Jesus and serving Normanton.