About Us

Parish churches belong to their community. So St. John’s is your church regardless of whether you come on a Sunday or not.  People come through the door for all sorts of different reasons. Some are curious; some are looking for space; some want to join with our activities, have fun, meet new people. Some just want to pray; some want to belong; some want to find out about faith. But the reason doesn’t matter, the welcome is there for all, you matter to us.



Morning : 10am  (Eucharistic Worship)
Evening : 6pm (Evening Prayer on Zoom at present)

Thursdays: 11am Eucharist

Our Community Work:

As Christian’s we believe that God longs for us to enjoy abundant life. This means that we walk through each day believing we really matter, are especially loved, and have hope for the future. Belief is only real if it is lived, Shildon Alive is our lived expression of what it means to be a Christian in Shildon.

Shildon Alive! grew out of three years of the church in Shildon listening to local people express their concerns about their community and their hopes for the future. With the support of Faith in the Community (FIC) the first Community Garden, complete with disabled toilets, raised beds, polytunnel and greenhouse, opened in 2012. As the project grew local people began to trust that the church was on their side. The mission of the church in Shildon has been self-described as ‘The Church where everyone is family.’ This reflects our belief that as children of one Father every person is unique and, as a Father, God is passionate about their flourishing. The project reflects both our listening and this God-rooted passion. We manage a foodbank, Credit Union, Advocacy Service, Memory Cafe, Guerilla Gardening and more, again, visit our website for more info.