Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Bike rack
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Nurture Courses

Monday Club

Children are found at the heart of many gospel stories and therefore in serving Jesus, we love to serve the community by putting things on for young people. Monday club runs during term time for any young people aged 7-11 at 6.15 p.m. for an hour each Monday. There is lots of fun, games, crafts and a story to think about. The young people who come love it and come from all over the parish.

321 and Christianity Explored

So what exactly is Christianity? What do Christians believe? Can we know answers to some of the big questions in life such as:.. is there a God?.. what happens when I die?.. aren't all religions the same?.. how can I be truly happy?

Today's world suggests lots of ways that can give us fulfilment in life. The media tells us that value can come through possesions, the latest gadgets, the best experiences, looking beautiful and fitting in to the way the 'powers that be' think. How do you know what is right? How do you know what is true? Is there anything more to life that the here and now and if so, how can I know what it is?

There are many competing claims on our time and energy and they wear us down. Shortage of money, ill health, loss of community, unemployement and breakdown in family relationships are just a few of the problems we may face in our lives. In the busyness of 21st Century life we can often stumble along doing the best we can, just trying to cope and we rarely get the chance to stop and ask the bigger questions of life. 321 and Christianity Explored are 2 ways to stop and ask the big questions, think about who God is and about the bigger picture of the life we all live.

These two short courses are free and informal. No one will be pressured to do or say anything they do not want to. You are as welcome to come and sit quietly as you are to ask the hardest questions you have and argue the point.

Home Groups

We have 5 home groups that meet in people's homes around the parish on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 7.30 pm. We also have one group that meets on a Thursday at 1 pm in the church building and a mums' group with creche that meets at 9.30am every Thursday in church.

Our groups are safe places where people of all ages and backgrounds can build friendships, share problems, support each other and develop their gifts. At the heart of a homegroup is looking at God's word together from the bible. The bible is God's word and when applied to us today, it gives us wisdom for life and helps us grow in our faith and love.

Alongside God's word is prayer. No one will ever be forced to pray out loud or share anything when they do not want to, but as Christians, we love to share each others burdens and pray about them. Prayer is simply communication with God and includes thanksgiving and praise.

If you would like to join one of our home groups, please contact us and let us know that you are interested and tell us where you live so that we can find you a group nearby.

321 and Christianity Explored

So what exactly is Christianity? What do Christians believe? Can we know answers to some of the big questions in life such as:.. is there a God?.. what happens when I die?.. aren't all religions the same?.. how can I be truly happy?

Today's world suggests lots of ways that can give us fulfilment in life. The media tells us that value can come through possesions, the latest gadgets, the best experiences, looking beautiful and fitting in to the way the 'powers that be' think. How do you know what is right? How do you know what is true? Is there anything more to life that the here and now and if so, how can I know what it is?

There are many competing claims on our time and energy and they wear us down. Shortage of money, ill health, loss of community, unemployement and breakdown in family relationships are just a few of the problems we may face in our lives. In the busyness of 21st Century life we can often stumble along doing the best we can, just trying to cope and we rarely get the chance to stop and ask the bigger questions of life. 321 and Christianity Explored are 2 ways to stop and ask the big questions, think about who God is and about the bigger picture of the life we all live.

These two short courses are free and informal. No one will be pressured to do or say anything they do not want to. You are as welcome to come and sit quietly as you are to ask the hardest questions you have and argue the point.

Christians against Poverty

Drop in

Every Monday morning in the church, St George's runs a free drop in from 10 am. This is open to everyone. Many come along for a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit and to find a safe place to get to know others from the community.

There are always people there who are willing to sit down with you quietly and listen to whatever is on your mind and, if you wish, pray with you.

Bereavement Support Group

We meet each Monday at 3pm to encourage and support one another. Whether recently bereaved or carrying grief from long times past, all are welcome to join us for a cup of tea and to sit and listen or share as we chat about, well just about anything to be honest! It takes place at the back of Church.

Discipleship course

All Age

Our all age group is exactly that; from babes in arms, children and teenagers through to mums, dads and even great grandparents who enjoy being part of the fun. We meet every other (click for dates) Wednesday at 4.30 p.m. and enjoy crafts, games and friendship, but no two weeks are alike.

At the end, most people stay to share a simple meal together. We always get a chance to stop and think about the bigger things of life by looking at a bible story and see how God can guide us in this busy and unpredictable world.


Every Tuesday from 9.15am during term time, the church toddlers group meets for parents, carers and infants age 0-4 for fun and friendship in the church rooms.

St George's toddler group gives you the chance to meet others with young children in a safe environment and have some fun in the process. There are plenty of age appropriate toys spread over two rooms, enabling smaller children to roam safely without stopping older children enjoying themselves.

The toddler group also provides refreshments, singing and sometimes includes an infant friendly bible story. At Christmas we have a toddler services in the church and there is a picnic in the summer.


Every Tuesday from 9.15am during term time, the church toddlers group meets for parents, carers and infants age 0-4 for fun and friendship in the church rooms.

St George's toddler group gives you the chance to meet others with young children in a safe environment and have some fun in the process. There are plenty of age appropriate toys spread over two rooms, enabling smaller children to roam safely without stopping older children enjoying themselves.

The toddler group also provides refreshments, singing and sometimes includes an infant friendly bible story. At Christmas we have a toddler services in the church and there is a picnic in the summer.

Help for Visitors

church open Monday 10-12, Tuesday 9-3pm, Wednesday 9-3pm, Friday 9-3pm and Sunday 8-12.30 plus 5-7.30pm

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities
Hall for Hire