Parish Safeguarding and Privacy Policies


As a Church we recognise the need for people and their families to meet in safe and secure surroundings.

Therefore, we adhere closely the safeguarding polices and Parish Safeguarding Handbook issued by the Diocese.

The Parish Handbook aims to further strengthen the Church’s approach to safeguarding by bringing into one place the safeguarding responsibilities for parishes as outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. It has been designed to support the day-to-day work of all parishes in relation to safeguarding and those who have a key role to play with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable.  +Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

You can access the Durham Diocese Safeguarding policy on: and our Parish Safeguarding policy on:

Privacy Notice

As a Church we understand the importance of adhering to the GDPR, our privacy policy sets out how we will handle, store, use and share your personal information when we collect such information from you or from a third party.

Our policy explains:

- The Data Controller is the Parochial Church Council

- What we collect and how we use personal data

- Your rights as a Data Subject and more

- You can access our Parish Privacy Policy on: