
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

St Paul's Church is a lively C of E congregation in the heart of
Cambridge. On a Sunday morning there are usually about 70
adults at the main service, as well as lots of children and young

What are we about?
We are a congregation seeking, in the light of God’s work, to be
honest about our shortcomings and to welcome all around the
Lord’s Table. As a church we face an ongoing challenge: we can
welcome, include, accept and love; that is live in response to
God’s grace and so bring life to others OR we can live lives
prescribed by rules that constrict, condemn and exclude - which
would be to deny the grace we have received. Those we
encounter will be the best judge of how we meet the challenge
and of our vitality as a community. Whatever happens, we will
continue to journey together.

Hills Road

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