Cristo Pantocrator Matthew 10:24-39/Romans 6: 1b-11

I’d like to share an image this week called Cristo Pantocrator. It’s an image of Christ holding up his right hand in blessing assuring us of his love and in his left hand holding the Gospels, a witness to his life of sacrificial love.

The word Pantocrator translates from the Greek as meaning both ‘The Lord Almighty’ and as ‘The Sustainer of all’, he who upholds all things. We know his sustaining love as he blesses us and his saving truth as he teaches us.

The significance of these titles can be found in our Gospel passage for today. Here in Matthew gospel Jesus gives himself the title of Teacher and Master in verse 24. As teacher he sustains us as well as changing us into his own image and as Master he likewise binds us to himself while directing us in all our ways.

‘A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master; it is enough for the disciple to be like the teacher, and the slave like the master.’ Matt 10: 24

Jesus then contrasts this relationship with that of those who serve other masters and learn from other teachers. We are shaped by those with whom we keep company!

‘If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they malign those of his household’ Matt 10: 25

Jesus then goes on to compare the life of those who live in the company of Christ and those who live in the company of Beelzebub.

While some live with secrets and lies, those in Christ’s company are to live in the open, declaring the truth from the rooftops.

While some may have the power of life and death over the body, in the company of Christ we are assured of a life giving truth that is more powerful and more permanent than the death of the body.

Christ the Almighty is Lord of life and death, Christ the all sustainer is the guardian of truth and the protector of the powerless.

‘Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unperceived by your Father’ Matthew 10: 29

Jesus then calls on his disciples to acknowledge him as Lord, setting loyalty to him above all others, even our family.

This he says will come at a cost, the cost of carrying the Cross.

‘Whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it’ Matt 10: 38/39

These are indeed life changing words for all of us, but for those who live under regimes, like that in Russia or China, that promote themselves as all powerful and all knowing they are a matter of life and death.

There is a ‘Truth’ that is bigger than us or any regime, a truth to which we are bound and to which we owe our lives. This truth outlives all lies and overthrows all who seek to subvert it or distort it.

We live with a legacy of spin and ‘fake news’. A world where we can live in a social media bubble of like minded people sharing our prejudices and comforting each other with our half truths or, indeed, threatening us with conspiracy theories that promote the idea of the ‘Big State’.

The challenge of Jesus is to expose ourselves to a bigger truth, allow ourselves to be shaped by better company, to live our lives in the service of the one who sustains all and ultimately rules all.

May Christ the almighty, the sustainer, protect and guide you now and always.

Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice we pray

for the people of Ukraine today,

and the laying down of weapons.

we pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,

that your spirit of comfort would draw near to them.

We pray for those with power over war and peace,

for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions

Above all, we pray for all your precious children at risk and in fear,

That you would hold and protect them.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Rev Simon Brignall

I am contactable from Thursday to Sunday.