The perfect gift

Finding the perfect gift for your family is always a difficult call. I have my sister’s birthday in February and then my daughter’s birthday in March followed by my wife’s birthday in April and then another sister's in May. I am always at a loss to know what to give them and usually give up and ask them what they would like.

Our Father God has a similar problem but in reverse. Only He can give us what He longs to receive – the perfect love and obedience of a son/daughter of God. Only one person has fulfilled that description, Jesus himself. He alone lived such a life, only he can come into God’s presence, as John the gospel writer tells us:

“No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from Heaven – the Son of Man” John 3: 13

So there’s the riddle that Jesus posed. “How do you enter the Kingdom of God” Answer – You can’t! Why? “Because only the Son of man can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only he is perfect”

Our Father God has a problem, not unlike the parent who buys a present for his child to give to him! How then does God do what we cannot do for ourselves?

This riddle is the theme of our painting this week. ‘The Trinity’ tells the story of a perfect gift, a gift the Father God has chosen himself.

Masaccio 1401- 1428 ‘The Trinity’ (1427)

The fresco ‘The Trinity’ considered to be Masaccio’s masterwork, is the earliest surviving painting to use linear perspective. To ensure the precise transfer of the perspective lines from the sketch to the plaster, Masaccio inserted a nail at the vanishing point under the base of the Cross and attached strings to it. The marks of the preparatory works are still visible.

The perfect gift

The story told by the fresco has an amusing twist to it, though I don’t think the donors quite appreciated it at the time. They are seen kneeling, a man in red and his wife in black, at the base of the Cross, presenting their gift to God. However, standing behind the crucified Christ we see the figure of the Father God with his arms outstretched presenting His gift to them - the gift of His Son. The figure of Mary, the mother of Jesus, looks towards them with her hand pointing them towards her Son. Her words to them seem to echo the words of St John:

‘ For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3: 16

The message is clear, this is the perfect gift, the gift God gives to us that we might offer not ourselves, but Jesus, the only gift acceptable to God.

‘Nothing in my hands I bring,

Simply to thy Cross, I cling;

Naked, come to Thee for dress,

Helpless, look to Thee for grace:

Foul, I to the fountain fly,

Wash me saviour or I die.’

Rock of ages

The question on Nicodemus' mind as he approached Jesus seems to be: ‘What can I do to enter the Kingdom of God’ The problem is in fact the exact reverse of the one Nicodemus thought he faced! The question asked by Jesus is ‘What can God do for us’ or to put it another way what are the gifts that God has given to us? So let’s look at these gifts.

Water and the Spirit.

“I tell you the truth. No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of the water and the Spirit” John 3: 5

The picture of water reminds us of Baptism, but it is Jesus’ baptism that John points to. It was for our sake that he was baptised, offering up to God his life of perfect obedience and faith and ultimately taking on himself our sins. He gave to his Father God the gift that we could not offer so we could enter into God’s kingdom!

“Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit”. John 3: 6

The picture Jesus gives us of the Spirit is of a wind that comes to us as a gift, gently refreshing and life-giving. We cannot control it only feel and enjoy its cool breath. So it is with God’s love reaching out to us, refreshing us, and embracing us, giving us life. Both the water and the Spirit are pictures of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. He has given us the perfect gifts that our Father God wishes to receive so that we can give ourselves to Him.

Looking to Jesus. Jesus draws one more picture, the snake that was lifted high on a stake in the desert in the time of Moses. Those who looked on the snake were healed, just one look was enough. God’s final and best gift to us is Jesus, lifted high on a stake so that all who look to him in faith might be healed. This must have been, I believe, the image in the mind of Masaccio as he painted his fresco, all we can do, and must do to find life is to look on him and trust in his love for us.

Rev. Simon Brignall.

A Requiem Mass will be held for Rory Young at Cirencester Parish Church at 2.00 pm on Thursday 9th March.

This Week

Lent Lunch at The Gables 12.00 noon. Donations to a chosen charity.

Lent Group 'Christ in the Wilderness' at The Old Rectory 7.00 pm Thursday 9th March

Fairtrade Fortnight. Clare has a Fairtrade stall at the Quenington coffee morning.

Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice

we pray for the people of Ukraine today,

and the laying down of weapons.

we pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,

that your spirit of comfort would draw near to them.

We pray for those with power over war and peace,

for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions

Above all, we pray for all your precious children at risk and in fear,

That you would hold and protect them.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Best wishes

Rev Simon Brignall

I am contactable from Thursday to Sunday.