Post Christmas Cafe Church

Dreams, hopes and wishes formed the basis for our last cafe church of 2019. But not before bacon baps, egg sandwiches and croissants were enjoyed by all. On the tables were one word resolutions, thoughtful and thought provoking quotes as well as ideas for not giving some thing up for 2020 but perhaps finding time to do more of something which you enjoy or could benefit others and your community. Moving on into 2020 everyone was given an opportunity to reflect on the past year and saying together...... “I will try to leave behind those things, actions and worries that trouble me. With God’s support, I will step forward into 2020 encouraged and guided through the power of his Holy Spirit”. A collection raised £180 for Crisis at Christmas which was a magnificent amount. Thank you to you all. And finally everyone said together A Brand New Year......a clean slate on which to write our hopes and dreams. This year, less time and energy on things, more time and energy on people. All of life’s best rewards, deepest and finest feelings, great satisfactions come from people, people like you. Happy New Year.