About Us

Honorary Minister in Charge: the Revd Canon Mark Warrick, BSc BcombStuds TSSF

Honorary Assistant Clergy: The Revd Fr Michael Ruff, the Revd Fr James McWhirter

Director of Music: Nigel Stark

Churchwardens: Alan and Julie Scott

Sunday morning service: 9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist

The church choir sings at Sunday morning services at both St Martin's and St Mary's and the liturgical music is supported by additional singers from time to time. 

The church of St Martin's in Stamford is a notable example of late 15 century architecture. It was rebuilt between 1482 and 1485 and has been little altered since, apart from the extension to the North Chapel, which was doubled in size in 1865. The chapel houses the tombs of the Cecil family, including the monument to William Cecil, first Lord Burghley who was chancellor to Queen Elizabeth I and that of John Cecil, 5th Earl of Exeter.