The Holy Eucharist (Mid Week)

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Michael
Great Coates Road Little Coates, DN34 4ND, United Kingdom

This celebration is an oasis of quiet and stillness in the middle of an often busy week. The simplicity of form offers a time and place that enables us to recognise the Divine in the words of Scripture, in prayers uttered on our lips and in our hearts, in bread and wine shared. Thus renewed we are enabled to recognise the Divine in the creation, those around us and within ourselves. You will be assured of a kindly welcome, space to be still, reflect and pray.

St Michael

Get in touch

Reverend Jenny Camm

Assistant Curate
(01472) 902071

Our website

What's on

The Holy Eucharist (Mid Week)

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Michael
Great Coates Road Little Coates, DN34 4ND, United Kingdom

This celebration is an oasis of quiet and stillness in the middle of an often busy week. The simplicity of form offers a time and place that enables us to recognise the Divine in the words of Scripture, in prayers uttered on our lips and in our hearts, in bread and wine shared. Thus renewed we are enabled to recognise the Divine in the creation, those around us and within ourselves. You will be assured of a kindly welcome, space to be still, reflect and pray.