About Us
St Dunstan-in-the-West is a weekday Guild church serving the local working community and tourists, providing a haven for private prayer in the midst of the city's bustle. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the sanctuary, and there are votive candle stands.
The Mass is celebrated at 12.30pm every Tuesday (lasting half an hour) and includes a short address.
St Dunstan's is also a popular concert venue with regular lunchtime recitals on most Wednesdays at 1.15pm, The recitals are free to attend with a retiring collection. You are welcome to bring your lunch. For further information of upcoming concerts please see our website www.stdunstaninthewest.org or view our Twitter and Facebook pages
St Dunstan's dates back to the 10th century; it survived the Great Fire of London but, because of wear and tear, it was rebuilt in 1831. The tower was damaged by German bombers in 1944 and restored in 1952. St Dunstan's continues in its special role as the Diocese of London's Church for Europe, promoting relations with Churches outside the Anglican Communion, including being the spiritual home of the Romanian Orthodox Church (Biserica Ortodoxa Romana din Londra) and the Romanian community in London. For Romanian Orthodox services see the website for St George's Romanian Orthodox Church.