Evening prayer

Every day at for 30 mins
St Cyprian Clarence Gate
Glentworth Street London London, NW1 6AX, United Kingdom

Every evening we have at 6.00pm Evening Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer on Zoom. The order for evening prayer can be found: https:// www.churchofengland.org. Do get in touch with Fr Michael Fuller to be sent the Zoom invitation and order of service each day.

Sunday Mass - in the church and live streamed by Zoom

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Cyprian Clarence Gate
Glentworth Street London London, NW1 6AX, United Kingdom

Our usual Sunday Sung Mass. You can join us in person in church, or via the live stream by Zoom. Traditional language Eucharist with music, prayers and fellowship. Family friendly. Zoom link available from Fr Michael Fuller.