Baptism- Interested in a Baptism?

We are glad that you want to find out more about Christian baptism (some people call this 'Christening').

Baptism is for someone who wants to belong to the worldwide Church of people who believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Adults can decide this for themselves and children can be baptised on the understanding that parents and godparents will bring them up to know and love their Saviour.

Because baptism welcomes people into the Church, it takes place within our normal Sunday worship at 9.15am, usually on the first Sunday of the month, but we can accommodate after the service usually at 1pm.

Please contact the baptism team to discuss arranging a baptism by attending a service at 9.15am on Sunday’s or coming after it at  between 10.30-11.30am.

Anyone who worships regularly at the church, lives in the parish, or has a qualifying connection may be baptised at St Mary Magdalene’s.  Once a date for the baptism service has been decided in consultation with the minister, we then invite the baptism family & godparents to the two baptism preparation events held at St Mary Magdalene’s and St Michael’s Church, Peel Green our sister church.

People interested in baptism often ask about godparents. These are people who will encourage the candidate in their Christian life so there should be at least two who are baptised themselves. If not, they may still be part of the baptism and are called sponsors. The godparents/sponsors will help a child candidate to be regular in worship and prayer, not only by what they tell them, but also by how they behave and how they pray. It is usual to have at least one godmother and one godfather. A parent can be a godparent as long as there is one other who is not a parent. Family and friends make ideal godparents as they will be able to encourage the candidate and stay close for many years.

We understand how important it is for you to have photos of the big day but we request that you don't take them during the Service.   Afterwards you can choose where people stand and you'll have much more time and space to take as many photos as you wish.

We look forward to hearing from you but please remember… don't book your guests and party until your date has been agreed.