Edenfield Parish Church News sheet

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 The full moon is illuminating the night sky as this update goes out. We see the last day of February ‘the little black month’ give way to March. Will the new month come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? One thing for sure March heralds the Spring and with it hope – hope for better days and warmer weather.

March you old blusterer, what will you bring?

Sunny Days, stormy days, under your wing?

No matter which it be,

You will bring spring."

Eleanor Farjeon

In some parts of the country it’s time to sow seeds, I wonder who remembers the rhyme my father sang to me ?

"Four seeds in a hole:

One for the rook, and one for the crow

And one to rot, and one to grow."

"As long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,

summer and winter, day and night. Genesis 8.22